Thursday, April 14, 2016

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

District Temple trip and 1st Blessing

So here are a few thing that i haven't shared yet the first thing is that i have had the opportunity to give a blessing to one of the Sisters in my district her name is Sister Westercamp but before i did i asked for a blessing from my companion Elder Towle i asked for a blessing of strength and faith because I had been struggling with it that day because of one of our teachers, but after the blessing, I had an abundance of faith. And then I was able to bless Sister Westercamp, It was very humbling experience. Now I will be able to answer a bunch of your questions. First, the food is Ok, but not the best. Second, the missionary schedule is nice and I am adjusting to it very quickly. I was chosen to be the district leader by the branch president and his councilors.  I have exercise time every morning, I either play basketball or workout in the gym. I get to go to the temple every "P" day to do a session, last time I was able to do an endowment session with my whole district. It was the coolest thing ever.  I don't need anything that I can think of but I will defiantly let you know if I do.

 Temple Trip with Elder Brady's District Maybe????

 Elder Brady finds someone he knows   HI Brady Shanklin!!!!

 Elder Brady and his companion Elder Towle maybe this is an investigator. 
 Name Tags of those Currently in Elder Brady's District

 Provo Utah Temple! 

Notes from MOM  ;)   Some of you reading this blog are not members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, so some of the details in the letters Elder Brady writes might not make sense.  

This past week he was ask to give a priesthood blessing, something he has never done before.  We believe that blessings of healing can be given through the proper priesthood authority, which Elder Brady now holds.  When he turned 18 He was old enough the be given the Melchizedek Priesthood.  We believe that all keys and authority to have this priesthood were restored through our prophet Joseph Smith and has been handed down through the generations to those worthy to hold it.  IF you want to know more just ask us, we will do our best to answer all questions you might have. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Week 1 In MTC

My preparation days ("P" days) are Tuesdays while in the MTC (Missionary Training Center).
This first week has been hard but good.  I've been assigned as a District Leader and when our district doesn't do very good I feel it's because I'm not doing a good job. (Prayers welcomed ~Mom~)  My companions name is Elder Towel.   
~Elder Brady~

Mom's notes:   Elder Brady, didn't send any photos this week.  I'm sure he's still getting the hang of things and to be honest I'm not sure he knows how to upload the photos to email yet.  LOL my bad for not teaching him this.  Trust me the 2nd Elder Brady will know how to do this before he leaves.
We did get word from a friend who is working at the MTC that he saw Elder Brady and he is doing good.  His emails were short.   I'm not sure if this has happened or not but I'm guessing they don't have a long time to be on the computer and if there are a lot of emails to read then I will be a big challenge to read them all and respond.  He can only read the emails on his "P" day. However he can receive snail mail everyday.  I know little sister has mailed him a letter everyday and I can only imagine this is a huge help to him as it gives him a little something to read through the week.  Please keep this in mind when you are trying to contact him.

Here are a couple Airport photos: